Bringing Churches Together, Impacting Lostness
by Tobin Perry, news correspondent, Biblical Recorder
Read MoreEnabling, Empowering, Equipping, & Energizing Our Churches in All Areas of Ministry in Order to Assist Them in Fulfilling Their God-given Vision & Purpose
The Administrative Support Team is responsible for administering the wishes of the association in the following areas: budget preparation, execution of the approved budget, reporting to the association the budget’s progress throughout the year, conducting any business or administrative matters vital to the operation of the association, and serve as the association’s personnel team.
The Mission Development Team is responsible for education, planning, promotion, and conducting the evaluation of association mission development work locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally, with the goal of developing an “Acts 1:8” lifestyle within the member churches.
Our partnership with the Pennsylvania Northern Tier Churches (PNTC) came into existence primarily through the efforts of the NC Baptists on Mission, led by Dewey & Kathie Aiken, and the Transylvania Association. Once we were able to travel to this region and meet the church planters, as well as church revitalization pastors of the PNTC, it became obvious that the Lord had opened a door of opportunity for TBA to partner with these works who are in desperate need of encouragement and support. The churches/plants of the PNTC are similar in nature, size, and culture to the churches of TBA. Therefore, connecting the two associations will prove to strengthen both associations through mutual ministry together and impact both areas with the gospel.
Our hope is to establish a long (5 years at least) running relationship through mission trips, one on one church partnerships between TBA churches and the churches of the PNTC, and perhaps eventually committing financial resources for the furthering of that mission work.
The Leadership Development Team is responsible for securing, planning, and conducting any training needed by the member churches, including Sunday School, VBS, Deacon ministry, revitalization, church strengthening, etc.
The Evangelism & Discipleship Team is responsible for providing Biblically appropriate training on both a personal and corporate level that is easily understood and practiced. This team provides customized training to individual churches with the most relevant resources available.
Information coming soon.
Mission Statement: To help those who cannot help themselves in the name of Jesus our Lord.
James Felty, Team Leader
Information coming soon.
Information coming soon.
Information coming soon.
© 2024-2025 Transylvania Baptist Association | Powered by
For Recovery (mudouts, mold spray, chainsaw work) the site will likely be operating through the end of the year. Please call 423-523-4410 for more information.
For Rebuild (restoring your home with minor construction). Please call 910-857-8972 for more information.
Visit for additional assistance.
It is my honor to welcome you to our website as well as to our great association. The Transylvania Baptist Association (TBA) is an association that values fellowship, the Word of God, the proclamation of that Word, the Gospel Message of that Word, and the practice of making new disciples who will in turn make other disciples as a matter of routine. Additionally, and based on the above-mentioned values, it is the mission of the TBA to assist our 32 member churches to realize these values and to reach the world with the Gospel by any means possible. While we may be small in number, we are giants when it comes to advancing His Gospel. To sum up who we are and what we are about can best be said with the following statement, "We exist to help our member churches to ACCEPT God's will always, ADJUST our plan to meet His, and ADVANCE with that plan for the sake of the Gospel." Our prayer is that you will consider partnering with us on our journey of advancing Jesus to a world in such need of a Savior! To find a local church where you and your family can find hope, love, and an opportunity to experience Christ, as never before, please check out the contact information of each church in order to find a church home where you can grow and apply the truths of God's Word as you move forward in God's plan for your life. If you ever have a need, please don't hesitate to contact our office or me directly.
In His Grip,
Terry Stockman - ASM
Early Weekend Service
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Mornings
9 & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 10:00 AM
AM Worship 11:00 AM
Service Schedule:
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 6:30 PM
Service Schedule:
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 7:00 PM
Discipleship Training: 6:00 PM
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Sunday School (all ages): 9:30 am
FBC Cafe: 10:30 am
Pastor Prayer in Parlor: 10:45 am
Morning Worship: 11:00 am
AWANA (ages 2-18): 5:00 pm
FBC Family Suppertime: 5:30 pm
Acts 2:42 Discipleship & Prayer: 6:15 pm
Kids for Christ (grades 1-5): 6:15 pm
Unashamed (grades 6-12): 6:15 pm
WEE School – 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
Sunday School:
AM Worship: 9:00 & 11:00 AM
PM Worship: Wednesday: 6:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 5:30 PM Supper – 6:30 Service
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:00 PM
AWANA 6:00-8:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 6:30 PM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
Thursdays: 6:00 PM Community Meal & Bible Study
Morning Worship – Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Prayer Meeting – Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday School: Bible study for children and youth ages 5-16. Each Sunday afternoon at 5PM
AM Worship: 11:00 am
Wednesday: 6:00 PM-Prayer Service
Service Schedule:
Sunday School: 9:00 AM
AM Worship: 10:00 AM
PM Worship: no service
Wednesday: 6:30 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Sunday AM Worship: 11:00 AM
Sunday Children’s Church: 11:00 AM (after the choir sings)
Choir Practice: Sunday 5:00PM
Sunday PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: Bible Study 11:00 AM
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Bible Studies – Thursdays 7:00pm
Sunday: 9:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 10:30AM
PM Worship: no service
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
More on Wednesdays Dinner: 5:45 PM
AWANA – 6:30 PM
Youth Meet at 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: no service
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 6:00 PM Beginning with a Fellowship Meal
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday AM Worship: 10:30
Sunday AM Worship: 10:30 Hispanic Worship
Sunday AM Worship: 10:30 Children’s Church (Grades 1-6)
Sunday PM Discipleship Training: 5:00 PM Adult Class
Sunday PM Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Disciple Life Classes for Adults (4 Study Choices)
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Youth Classes
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Wednesday Night Kids (Grades 1-6)
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Mission Friends (Pre-school)
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
Bible Study/Discipleship/Prayer Meeting 6:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Study: 6:30 PM
Wednesday Choir Practice: 8:30 PM
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: no service
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 9:00 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM
Wednesday Awanas & Youth: 6:30 PM
Wednesday Service: 7:00 PM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
AM Worship: 11:00 AM
PM Worship: 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
What is the Cooperative Program
The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their respective state convention and the Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries.
How does the Cooperative Program Work?
It begins with you! – You give yourself first to God (II Cor. 8:5). Next, out of gratitude and obedience to God for what He has done for you, you commit to give back to Him, through your church, a portion of what He provides. This is commonly called a tithe and represents ten percent of your income (Lev. 27:30, Mal. 3:10).
Your Church… decides the next step. Every year your church prayerfully decides how much of its undesignated gifts will be committed to reaching people in your state and around the world through The Cooperative Program. This amount is then forwarded to your State Baptist Convention.
Messengers at the State Convention Annual Meetings… from your church and other churches across the state decide what percentage of Cooperative Program gifts contributed by local congregations stay in your state to support local missions and ministries. The percentage to be forwarded to the SBC for North American and international missions and ministries is also determined at this time.
Messengers at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting… from across the country decide how the gifts received from the states will be distributed among SBC entities. These gifts are used by SBC entities to send and support missionaries, train pastors, and other ministry leaders; provide relief for retired ministers and widows; and address social, moral, and ethical concerns relating to our faith and families.
The bottom line – people around the world hear the gospel and receive Christ!
Why Southern Baptists Embrace the Cooperative Program
The History of the Cooperative Program
Since its inception in 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has always had one mission —the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20). To fulfill its assigned part of this divine mandate, each SBC entity made special offering appeals to the churches. This method was referred to as the “societal” approach to missions and resulted in severe financial deficits, competition among entities, overlapping pledge campaigns, and frequent emergency appeals which greatly hampered the expanding ministry opportunities God was giving Southern Baptist. Some entities took out loans to cover operating costs until pledges or special offerings were received.
In 1919, the leaders of the SBC proposed the 75 Million Campaign, a five‐year pledge campaign that, for the first time, included everything – the missions and ministries of all the state conventions as well as that of the Southern Baptist Convention. Though falling short of its goals, a God‐given partnership of missions support was conceived – The Cooperative Program. Since its launch in 1925, the effectiveness of the Cooperative Program has been dependent upon individuals, churches, state conventions, and SBC entities cooperating, working toward a common goal of sharing the gospel with every person on the planet.
Brevard First Baptist is seeking a teacher and an assistant for the 2024-25 school year. Applicants must be 18 years of age, a high school graduate, and a Christian. For more information, please contact Joy Guffey at 828-883-9839 or email
Enon is seeking a pianist/music leader fluent with all worship styles. For more information, please contact the church at 828-877-4418 or
Little River is seeking a music minister and a youth minister. Please send resumes to
Pisgah Forest is seeking a part-time music director/leader. For more information, please contact Gene Parker at 828-508-9142.
Rocky Hill is seeking a worship leader. For more information, please contact Clint Owings at 828-883-9707 or